Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bruins Assistant Coach Geoff Ward Off The Hook: Tyler Seguin Involved, AGAIN? (Dirty Little Hamster Pt. 3)

No matter which way we turn it seems Tyler Seguin is involved in everything on the lighter side of hockey these days (but mostly the weird). As if his seemingly smelly apartment with his grammy award-nominated singing dog wasn't enough after his European adventure, now we finally have an answer as to what went down that night when Boston Bruins' assistant coach, Geoff Ward, was accused of littering:

As you can see, around the :33 or :34s mark, a hand moves and throws what seems to be a red piece coming down. The hand motion, once looked at closely, doesn't seem to come from Ward, but someone off camera. The red piece in question can be confirmed by these pictures of other atheletes using the same brand or packaging:

You see...Same packaging right?? Anyways, Tyler takes the blame for something that he stuck up his nose & then threw out. But that's normal you say, playing sports you say, & I agree! But with Tyler's track record of being notoriously unkempt, & the fact that he threw it so hard it went into the stands reather then the team bench leads me to believe that we have confirmation the Tyler Seguin is the NHL's Dirty Little Hamster!

H/T Sportress

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