Wednesday, February 13, 2013

High School Hockey Goalie Sends Coach & Staff to Hell

Today's story was presented by many sources but I found it on this new site I've tried called Die Hard Sport. The video below is of a high school goalie showing his feelings towards the school's coach & staff:

Below is a twitter snap from @FollowThePuck on the situation, thanks to Die Hard Sport:

We also have a retweet from @FollowThePuck from @RLMarkuson about the intent & motive:

I don't really have a say in this one. The kid had a right to be displeased with his coaches & took it out in his own way. The only thing I've got to add really is that if he has a dream of going pro one day, he now has this incident on his resume & it'll be up to the scouts & GM's to want to deal with him or not on their club. Unless his talent level is through the rough (which it probably isn't since he was being benched & had a sophomore starting over him), this about the most hockey-related publicity he'll ever get.

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